How often are vacancies posted?
Vacancies are posted as they become open for a seven day period closing at 1600 hours (4pm Central Time). Open until filled vacancies, otherwise known as ongoing vacancies, are posted daily and removed once the position has been filled.
What if I miss the job application deadline?
Late applications are not accepted. Postings close at 1600 hours (4pm Central Time) on the closing date. Please ensure to submit your application before the closing date and time.
How do I apply?
- Apply directly on-line when searching our career listings here.
- Or by submitting your resume via email, fax, mail, or in person, to the applicable CTM.
What do I need to include when I apply?
- Cover Letter (optional);
- Proof of all required credentials as listed in the job description (ie: certificates, etc); and
- Proof of entitlement to legally work in Canada (ie: valid work permit, Canadian residency or Canadian citizenship).
What happens after I apply?
After the closing date, your resume will be reviewed. If interviews are required, those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. Generally, you will be contacted within three weeks of the closing date of the posting if you are being interviewed. If you are called for an interview, please ensure you take note of the name, department, and phone number of the contact person.
We thank all applicants for applying; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Do I need to complete more than one application if I am interested in more than one opportunity?
Yes, you must apply to each position separately to be considered for each position.